Hairy Mushroom ??


I have a colony of hairy mushrooms on a rock that are getting huge.
In the tank, the colony is about 8" across and about 6" high.
In a 55gal tank it is getting too big.
Any suggestions on how to control, propagate, or just "What should I do?"
Thanks for the help :)


Active Member
Propogating is easy. Just snip and secure to another piece of rock using bridal veil or similar material. If you're getting more than you want/need. Get some lr rubble, prop some on the rubble and sell or trade with your LFS. You can make it a win/win and get the satisfaction of saving the reef.


Thanks for the idea.
I have done what you suggested with blue mushrooms, but wasn't sure it would work with hairy mushrooms.
I will give it a try.
Thanks again :)