Half and eye cloudy


New Member
One of my angles has an eye that has a little bit of cloudy crap on it. I check my fish everyday so I its not bad but it seems to bug him enough to the point of where he will rub on a rock around his eye area. Can cloudy eye clear up on its own? I have seen it so bad on other fish, that you could not even see the fishes eye. Not sure if this was the direction I was heading in:notsure:


Active Member
Have you tested your water?
I would start with a few healthy water changes with aged, aerated saltwater. If it does not improve, I would be prepared to quarantine.


Staff member
When did this develop? What are your water readings? How long have you had this fish? What are you feeding it? What kind of tank is the fish in?
Do you have a QT? Cloudy eye can be the prelude to ich, or a bacterial infection.
See if you can provide more info so we can get a clearer idea about what the problem is.


New Member
Im treating it with Erythromycin. Also took the QT down to 1.009. However my angle will not eat at all its been about 2 days now. I think my main problem is my dam Blue Tang. It seems like anytime I add a fish or move rocks around to clean it stresses itself out to the point that he will show signs of ick. He can be fine for 6 months once I add a new fish or do a major rock change thats all it takes. I feel its time to give him away. Also my main tank is. Nitrites 0 Ph 8.2. salinity 1.022. Nitrates 40ppm. Ive tried to get that down but no luck. QT is the same specs just Nirates about 25 Main is a 320 and QT is a 50gal. Also feed my fish a huge array of foods and I soak 90% of all of it in garlic. Btw all my new fish go into my QT tank for 3 weeks before my display tank.