half bleached gbta



My gbta positioned itself underneath a rock and only half of it was receiving light. I figured it would eventually move, but when it did not I flipped the rock over so it would receive maximum light. Upon flipping the rock I discovered that a little more than half of it was bleached, the other half was still ok looking. It is now under direct MH and T5's. Is it possible that it will recover or is it doomed? On a side note, my maroons were not too happy when I moved their home and the female took a piece of my finger just to let me know.
Remember if a bta is not happy it will move to where its happy. Moving it to what you think makes it happy mite stress it out more. When you get a bta that is bleached it means that its straving. Once you starting feeding it krill or silverside every 2 or 3 days the color will slowly start to come back. Just flip it back to how it was and let the bta do its own thing. Also remember its not like coral where you have to move if its not doing to good. Just feed it and have a light cycle going and it all be back to normal for the little guy.

Here check out my gbta thread...


Active Member
Also a BTA doesnt need that strong of a light source to thrive in fact they dont really like that strong of a light. If it came from a FS that used PC lighting you need to acclimate it to your MH or it can get really stressed.. Moving it would be a bad idea, as stated above..let it go and if its eating on a regular basis then just wait, it will recoop..