Halfway OT: Freshwater Pics


Active Member
Just thought I would share a couple of shots from my freshwater tank.
Does anyone around here keep Discus? I am getting addicted to them. :D
Here is one of my Turquois Discus:


Awe...freshwater. It brings back memories. I am teaching kindergarten and going to school right now and am thinking of setting up a little fw in the class. Thanks for the inspiration.


i have kept them before. I loved them....they required alot of time and i loved it when they mate and spawn. I use to sell my paired discus for almost 100 bucks. They are not the most active fish in the world but their coloring can be beatiful. I have done almost evey tank and now im trying a reef
my first tank was
20 long with basic fish
55 gallon with aworwas
75 discus tank
90 afircan cichlids
75 fish only saltwater
and now im doing a 75 reef
its a never ending hobby


Rye, correct me if im wrong but arent those cardinal tetras, not neons?
im getting red eagle discus on wed to put with some boesemani rainbows. should be neat, but i have no cool camera. If u wanna see em stop by my shop on wed rye


Active Member

Originally posted by DvSKiN
Ryan, you have one of the nicest discus tanks I have ever seen man. That is truly an inspirationt to get cracking on my 75 gallon. Would love to know some specs if you could plz, lights, filte,r you knw the drill. also, are those real plants or, artificial??

Thanks DvSKin! The tank is an AGA 90g with a Fluval 404 and Magnum 350 canister filter. I have 50lbs of Flourite and 40lbs of black gravel in there. I am running a 110w 10k PC and 80w of NO lights. About 75% of the plants are real and the others are very high quality artificials.
I think it looks pretty good personally. :D
Thanks for the ID on the Cardinal Tetras........I thought they were Neons. :eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
Awesome discus Ryan..I keep Bettas..they have personality..for freswater fish..Here's Bonsaii:)

Thanks waterfaller! Very cool Bettas........I don't know very much about Bettas though. Are they in the same tank?


Active Member

Originally posted by J-Cal
Rye, correct me if im wrong but arent those cardinal tetras, not neons?
im getting red eagle discus on wed to put with some boesemani rainbows. should be neat, but i have no cool camera. If u wanna see em stop by my shop on wed rye

You are correct about the Cardinals J-Cal. Thanks. I need to stop by your shop and see what's happening.......you should do the same if you are ever in my neck of the woods. :) I kept Bosemani Rainbows for about 3 years and I loved them.....I wish I could keep them with my Discus, but I don't think that they can handle the high temperature......not completely sure.


Active Member
wow thats one of the best freesh water tanks i have ever seen im not to big into fw though not enough color i guess .


heres a picture of one of our freshwater tanks. We have three. One os this tank, one is a community tank, an dthe last is for an electric blue crawfish. This pic is of my girlfriends "baby" This is her target puffer. This is an incredibly aggressive eating machine that had to be quickly moved to her own tank. She started gnawng on fish twice her size! Anyway its not a great pic, but here is a 3" or so Target Puffer.


Active Member
rye awesome tank and pics....as usual.....you should see if you can get ahold of some Goyder River Trifasciatus......we have a shcool of 5 of these guys in our discus tank at work! they are an awesome rainbow IMO!
good luck


Active Member

Originally posted by J-Cal
hey rye, i didnt know u oped a lfs too, which one?

I didn't open a LFS, but I have become partners in a shop called Wet Pets at the intersection of Pippin and Compton rd.
Thanks for the tip Jon!


Active Member
I used to have 5 discus i got a 55g tank, some pumps a power filter a uv sterilzer, lights hood stand and 5 discus nto to mention all teh drift wood and heaters, all for 200 on ----,