??Halide Lighting / Nano??


Does anyone have a setup with halide lighting in a 24g nano or is it possible? If so... how's the setup done/modified?


You say a 24g Nano. Am I correct to assume it is a Nano Cube? I do know there are some sites that retrofit the hoods to MH, but I do not have one myself, so I am not overly familiar with them.


I have a 24gal JBL nano tank and I customized the hood myself and instead of a 70watt MH, I actually went all out and put in a 150watt MH 10,000K and 1 36watt 50/50 actinic. I live in California (los angeles) and you might think the 150MH will make a soup out of the fish, but actually I have also customized it with a electricthermo chiller which keeps the temp. down along with 2 more fans that run on top of the MH. The MH sits on top of my nano. It was pretty easy to cusotmize. Here is a picture of it.


Originally Posted by lbaskball
I have a 24gal JBL nano tank and I customized the hood myself and instead of a 70watt MH, I actually went all out and put in a 150watt MH 10,000K and 1 36watt 50/50 actinic. I live in California (los angeles) and you might think the 150MH will make a soup out of the fish, but actually I have also customized it with a electricthermo chiller which keeps the temp. down along with 2 more fans that run on top of the MH. The MH sits on top of my nano. It was pretty easy to cusotmize. Here is a picture of it.


No the picture makes it brighter then it actualy is. It will be the same brightness as if you were to walk into a LFS and see a reef tank that has medal halides. If you dont want too much brightness, get 70Watt MH. I need to change my 36watt 50/50 to pure Actinic to make my tank more blue, it looks a little more white then I want it to be. I will post some pics of my tank though. Check back soon. Here..go to my thread that I posted, the title is "my new 24gal nano tank" and here is the link, I dont know if the link will work but here it is. https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=194818
p.s. If your thinking about keeping clams, you will need a lot of lighting. Probably at least 150watts, but not too sure, all i know is you need a LOT of light.


Originally Posted by say
Is your tank as bright as it looks in the pic?? It looks like your couldn't even look at it comfortably... it the 150 would do that I don't want that... I want something comfortable to look at and good for my corals...
it shouldn't be too bright. heck, the 150W may not be bright enough imo.
70W is on the low side for 24. i'd go at least 150W with act supps.
the issue you're going to deal with is heat though (for mh mods). for the mods i've seen, a lot of consideration/thought was put into the venting. i've seen double fans and directional venting or manifold-style even.
the aesthetic issue will just be the bulb coloration. i bounced between 10000K, 14000K and now 20000K. it's not as realistic as i'd light but it shows off the tank nicely. 10000K's were too yellow (ushio's). hth


Yeah make sure you put a lot of thought into the vents. I used the two stock fans plus another 2 fans with an thermoelectric chiller. And also, I agree with what the person above me said.....I like the 20000K lights, because it looks nice and blue. I just might buy one of them soon.


Originally Posted by lbaskball
Yeah make sure you put a lot of thought into the vents. I used the two stock fans plus another 2 fans with an thermoelectric chiller. And also, I agree with what the person above me said.....I like the 20000K lights, because it looks nice and blue. I just might buy one of them soon.

Does anyone know where to buy the kits for mh lights to put in my hood at?? Suggestions can be sent to my email at pwrsrace@barbourville.com


Originally Posted by say
Does anyone know where to buy the kits for mh lights to put in my hood at?? Suggestions can be sent to my email at pwrsrace@barbourville.com
You can find it online. The MH pendant is only 6inch's long so it can fit perfectly in the middle of the top of the nano canopy. The pendant is made by ARO (ARO mini HQI pendant)


Originally Posted by lbaskball
You can find it online. The MH pendant is only 6inch's long so it can fit perfectly in the middle of the top of the nano canopy. The pendant is made by ARO (ARO mini HQI pendant)

Can you email me the details on what you used to mod your hood?? Also a list of where you got your stuff at? pwrsrace@barbourville.com
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: