Halide Lights


New Member
Do anyone know if these lights will work for my 29 gallon tank?
Mini Sun 250 & 400 HID Plant Grow Lights
The Mini Sun lights are among the most economical lights available, but you still get the quality you have come to expect from Sunlight Supply. These lights feature a 95% reflective (top in the industry), spectral pebble insert that gives you better light distribution than painted reflectors. HID light comes prewired and completely assembled.
Includes: built in ballast, 250 or 400 HID bulb, and mounting hangers. Size 24" x 12". Requires 110/120 volt outlet. Weight: 250 is 26 lbs., 400 is 30 lbs.
Mini Sun 250 MH (22,000 lumens) Price: $160
Mini Sun 250 HPS (28,500 lumens) Price: $165
Mini Sun 400 MH (36,000 lumens) Price: $180
Mini Sun 400 HPS (50,000 lumens) Price: $185

dr gonzo

no those are fine the ones for plants repersent the blue specturm of the sun (corals grow under the sun right) actually if you get plant lights theyll be better than normal MH the bulbs will be abit more expencive but not by much
the onlything you need to watch is that those lights get hot and youll need an exaust system or atleast a fan or two whith those 1000$ coral fixtures they have fans built in


Do you know the Kalvin rating on these bulbs? I am really concerned about using these bulbs as far as algea growth goes.


New Member
Beilieve it or not both those prices include the ballast and bulbs. I think they will work but just needed some input. I do think it will need some kind of fan though.


I believe HPS (High Pressure Sodium) creates plants to flower or reproduce. It seems like this would cause a lot of uncontrollable blooming algea which would multiply nonstop. It seems like a lot more people would be doing this if it is so cheap, since I have not heard of a lot of people using these lights it makes me question how well they actually work for this hobby. Im sure someone with experience in this will post soon.

dr gonzo

ya no good on the hps
but one more thing about metal halide be sureto have glass covering your hood becaust of catastrophic bulb faliure which is common for MH bulbs to explode after long use or if you handled the bulb and put finger prints on them
just so you know


New Member
I am not sure what the kelvin rating is I sent them an email waiting for a reply. I thought the kelvin was the color spectrum (lumens) and it says they are 22000k.


Active Member
22 is VERY blue and not very bright to the eye.
Another common issue with grow lights is they dont handle the salt as well and can rust out very quickly with salt exposure.
Reef lighting is called reef lighting for a reason, not flaming but the difference in a few bucks saved just doesnt justify the headache 6 months down the road.

dr gonzo

Originally Posted by smlussier
I am not sure what the kelvin rating is I sent them an email waiting for a reply. I thought the kelvin was the color spectrum (lumens) and it says they are 22000k.

no those are the lumens notthe kalvin rating


Active Member
you really dont want a hps over you tank ( even tho i think ushio are hps .. not sure on that tho) the k tell you what temp ( as in color not heat) you bulb burn at... the lower the ### the more red it get.. the higher the ## the more blue violet it gets... fyi 10k bulbs tend to burn a little on the yellow side....