halide producing bubbles???


Just recently switched to a halide lighting setup and have noticed an extremely high number of air bubbles in my tank. Has anyone seen this from starting up halides? Also would this harm anything? right now it seems to almost act like an airstone is under my sandbed.......


same thing happened to me, i read up on it and it may be algae breathing or something like that. I never really got a clear answer.


I have noticed my algea has increased as expected. Did yours ever go away or settle down? and how long did it take?


i had a HUGE algae bloom whan i got my MH it has settled down now but i dont know if is because i finally got cheato in my fuge or what but it went almost completely away except for a little heres pics taken about a week to a week and a hlf after the halides got put on and heres a pics just taken now. the second pic looks like crap cuz the moonlights are on and i had to use the flash, the tank doesnt look that bad in person



kimgspade did you have air bubbles also with yours when you switched to halide? I think for the extra algea im going to try adding some more snails and other critters to attack it that way


Active Member
Originally Posted by dailey76
Just recently switched to a halide lighting setup and have noticed an extremely high number of air bubbles in my tank. Has anyone seen this from starting up halides? Also would this harm anything? right now it seems to almost act like an airstone is under my sandbed.......
What kind of lighting did you used to have?
I know when my tank runs with PC's only, I can not see any bubbles, when the MH's kick on the bubbles become present to the human eye.
Black light theory.... some things can only been seen this way..... Bubbles were always there just needed the right lighting. :thinking:


The air bubbles r always there the reason that u see them with halides is because the light is so intense that it reflects of the bubbles and therfore more easaly seen. So it's not the lights causing the bubles its your pumps


Are you tallking about larger bubbles floating up to the top from your rock or sandbed? I thought I read some where that algae produces oxygen and that could be what is releasing into the water. When I had an outbreak of cyano, bubbles floated up off it all the time. I believe reducing the time you have your lights on is the best solution to algae besides keeping up good water quality.


i did change from no florescents to halide. I did step up the time at fist from 2 hrs a day and increased by 30 minute incremits. I was told this could be the last part of a cycle due to the light producing more algea and thus creating more oxygen in the sandbed. The sandbed now has air pockets it it that were not there before the light was put in. These are the sixe of a popcorn kernal to a pea. I have adjusted skimmer and even tried modiying the light on time.


I scraped ALL my glass clean of algae added a couple more turbos and so far so good.
I've see about a 90% decrease in bubbles.


Active Member
Its just the light penetrating farther into your sandbed than before. Its not something to worry about and will pass in time. Keep in mind that most sandbeds unless vacuumed regularly will have higher nutrient amounts than the rest of the tank. As soon as the algae living in your sandbed get light, they start to photosynthesize. It'll subside with time but its not exactly a bad thing. Just another part of changing to a more intense light.
Good on ya


Active Member
Since my halides have been put in, I get some big bubbles pop out from the sand. At first I thought it may be one of the snails buried in the sand causing the bubbles. Now it makes sense that it's algae. I am still having some brown algae problems which I plan to soon add some more snails. I scrape the front and side glass every day which is becoming a pain in the booty!


My sand was a little brown and dirty looking right after i got my Halides. I bought a sand sifting gobi, and a diamond Gobi. cleaned the sand right up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BigTang803
My sand was a little brown and dirty looking right after i got my Halides. I bought a sand sifting gobi, and a diamond Gobi. cleaned the sand right up.

Me too rgarding the algae build up on the sand but the fighting conch is taking care of it. I should give the nassarius snails some credit also.


would a linkia starfish help with the algea? I am also looking into some emerald crabs to go along with yet more snails. The wife ask why eery time we go near a fish store we end up bringing home snails. seems like the are always dying or just not enough of them.