The 250w phoenix 14k is reportedly the top dog for color and par.At least it's all the rave right now. The Radium 20k is top notch too. Really it depends on what your after. Since your looking at 14k I'd say color and growth are equally important. Of course growth will depend on ballast you are using as well as reflectors. Color will also be somewhat dependant on ballast. I am running icecap EB with spider reflectors and the XM 10K. With 4 39w. T5 superactinic for supplement. I like the color very well, but definitely like the bluer look of the 20k I was running. However with so many sps frags growth is more important at this time. The XM 10k is the highest par value bulb I can get with my current setup in a SE. ....OK, sorry reef, I digress, the phoenix is the rave right now. I haven't heard about the aquaconnects, or seen any data. The Hamilton's are popular, but not much for par.