Halides in canopy cooling ?


I am planning on having 3x250watt halides, 2x150watt halides, and 4x39watt icecap t5 retros in a 6ft canopy. Bulbs will be around 12" from water surface. I was wondering what you all think would be a good cooling system for this lighting system to keep it running at optimal levels. How many fans? where to put them?


Active Member
I am not an expert on lighting but I think the 3 250w MH and the T5's would be more than adequet to light anything you would like to keep and would cut down on the the amount of heat generated. Anyway on to your question I would do 2 fans on each end one side blowing in and the other blowing out, and if possible depending on your reflectors 3 fans across the top to blow out. You can use either 80mm or 120mm computer fans the 120mm fans usually move the same amount of air but turn at a slower RPM which creates less noise. If you have questions on how to wire them let me know.


Active Member
I am not an expert on lighting but I think the 3 250w MH and the T5's would be more than adequate to light anything you would like to keep and would cut down on the the amount of heat generated. Anyway on to your question I would do 2 fans on each end one side blowing in and the other blowing out, and if possible depending on your reflectors 3 fans across the top to blow out. You can use either 80mm or 120mm computer fans the 120mm fans usually move the same amount of air but turn at a slower RPM which creates less noise. If you have questions on how to wire them let me know.


Active Member
On my 6', 180g, I have 4x 175w MH and 4 160w VHO and there are 2 large fans in the back of the canopy blowing in and 4 along the top blowing up/out. I have a timer kick the fans on for 1/2 at a time, every hour over a 4 hours period (about half the time I keep the MH lights running, the fans are loud) and this keeps the tank from moving any more than 2 degrees warmer.


Tank will be 240gal 72x24x31. I am using the 150watts for color, 250watts for growth, and the t5 to flourecent my corals. I like the 2 in and 2 out on the sides and then the 4 fans on the top. I was looking at the icecap variable speed fans but they are pretty pricey. Not forsure if I want to buy 8 of them.


Active Member
I have 2 250watt MH over my 125g with 2 fans in the canopy. One fan is blowing air in and one blowing air out. The tank hasnt heated up 1 degree over what the heaters are set at.


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
Tank will be 240gal 72x24x31. I am using the 150watts for color, 250watts for growth, and the t5 to flourecent my corals. I like the 2 in and 2 out on the sides and then the 4 fans on the top. I was looking at the icecap variable speed fans but they are pretty pricey. Not forsure if I want to buy 8 of them.
I would just buy some computer fans the variable speed won't be much of a feature since your lights put out a constant amount of heat while they are on, unlike a computer processor that produces different amounts of heat depending on the processor load. Computer fans are much cheaper and are very easy to hook up really can't get it wrong if you switch the wires they just blow the other way check out some of the online computer stores like newegg for prices. Also if you are concerened about noise go with a larger fan with lower RPM's 120mm fans will move alot of air with very little noise you can also find all of the fan covers/guards at the same place.

devil dog

Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
Tank will be 240gal 72x24x31. I am using the 150watts for color, 250watts for growth, and the t5 to flourecent my corals. I like the 2 in and 2 out on the sides and then the 4 fans on the top. I was looking at the icecap variable speed fans but they are pretty pricey. Not forsure if I want to buy 8 of them.
You might need like 400w MH for you depth of your tank... JMO


I thought about that but figured I could do a wide array of corals then. Placing lower light corals on the bottom and moving to higher light corals towards the top. Think that would work?


Active Member
I think you will be fine for light Dennis210 on this board has 2-150w MH over his 210g that I think is similar in depth and his corals grow very well don't know how acros would do at the bottom of his tank but the LPS and softys all grow fast.