
bean 3

New Member
I was planning on placing some halimeda in my both of my FOWLR tanks and was wondering what type of lighting I could get by with. I don't remeber what type of lighting I have right off hand but it wasn't terribly expensive as I don't have any corals. My lights cost be about $40 a bulb (I think they were coral life actinic but I can't remember the watts). My calcium and alkalinity should be able to support the halimeda and both tanks have been set up for several months. How do you anchor it? I've read about some glues...do most LFS carry these?
I don't have much in the way of herbivorous fishes.
46g with small blue hamlet and a spotted hawkfish. They will get moved to a 300g once they get a little larger. They will remain the only 2 fish in the tank and shouldn't borrow the halimeda.
In the 100g I have a foxface and a coral beauty that may cause some problems but they are well fed and I heard most fish leaving halimeda alone.
Any replies are greatly appreciated!


Active Member
As far as attatching, you can just plant some of it in the sand.
I bought some halimeda about 2 years ago and it "died" - turned white and disintegrated into sand. About 2 months later it started popping up all over the place and at one time I had to trim it twice a month to keep it from over running the tank. Eventually I got it under control and it only grows where I want it to.
I have mine under MH lighting so I am not sure about how it would do under typical NO (normal output) flourescents.
It can suck up calcium VERY quickly - as you aren't keeping corals this is ok, but be aware it can grow fast given lots of calcium and light.


Active Member
Here is some good info on it
It's interesting to note that according to this page alot if not most of reef "sand" is made from halimeda.