Halloween costume ideas!


Anyone have any fun Halloween costume ideas for a couple going to a Party? Two years ago we went as Mr. And Mrs. Potato Head. Last year we were Care Bears (not my idea). She is in graduate school and her department has a big party every year. They get pretty into it. :joy:
I want to go as old school Transformers, but I don’t think she is for it as much as I am
. Anyway, any ideas?


peter pan-and that fary thing (unfortinetly ive been volentierd to be Pan)
george of the jungle and the girl
screw and a bolt


Last year my husband and I were Pirates. I will have pics of that for you if you want.
This year, I'm trying to get him to dress up as a gladiator, and I'm gonna be a roman goddess/queen/etc.
This would be me...

This would be him...without the funky hair


Active Member
we just got invited to a party for families. They want the families to dress up as a group.
The Flintstones are taken, as are the Brady Bunch. This is gonna be hard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
We were Captain and Tenille one year

I'm sorry, who are these people that you are speaking of? I am of course not old enough to remember them. Although I did have two Muskrats once that had babies, so they must have been in love.

One of the best costumes I heard of was while I was at school. A guy dressed in white and then pinned some socks and other clothes to himself and went as laundry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
we just got invited to a party for families. They want the families to dress up as a group.
The Flintstones are taken, as are the Brady Bunch. This is gonna be hard.
the walton's would be a pretty easy, albeit obscure family. jeffersons, cosbys, jetsons, simpsons, animal families, bush family would be hilarious as both son and dad look the same. there's tons out there.