Halloween Costumes



What's everyone being for Halloween? Is there a party you're going to?
I'm being a vampire bride...


No idea yet . . . Guess I have to figure that out this weekend.
I do not think I will be going to any parties on Halloween though . . .


Active Member
No Halloween parties for me this year
Instead, we are dressing our little one up as Tigger and taking him around the neighborhood, which should be a lot of fun :joy:


Well if anyone here saw the movie Animal House than you will know what i am being. I am Bluto in the toga!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Well my two year old twins are going as the big bad wolf and little red riding hood, I was trying to talk my husband into going as the hunter and I would go as grandma but he isnt "into it" dork..


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
What's everyone being for Halloween? Is there a party you're going to?
I'm being a vampire bride...


that's about right, snail... but i'll have a red veil, and a little less leg...
Tome, that's an amazing idea!!! I LOVE that movie!!!
Birdy, that's so cute! You know, when i want my hubby to do something, i bribe him. "if you go clothes shopping with me, i'll buy you a movie, or a power tool..." Works like a charm!


Active Member
we have a "family" halloween party to go to. Usually its couples, but this year they decided to make it "more interesting". Well, it made it harder. So we decided to go as
The Blue Man Group. Easy enough I think. Will post pics if I have the nerve


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
we have a "family" halloween party to go to. Usually its couples, but this year they decided to make it "more interesting". Well, it made it harder. So we decided to go as
The Blue Man Group. Easy enough I think. Will post pics if I have the nerve

went to a blue man group show in vegas. it was teh amazing


my mom and dad are going as sunny & cher today (not today as in they're dressing up today, but today as in what they look like today)... LMAO. My dad's being Cher, and my mom's being sunny. She's going to be dead, with pieces of bark taped all over her face, and a tree trunk attached at the stomache... LMAO, i can't wait to see it!


Active Member
im wearing my fire gear and being a firefighter=), one thing i dun get though is my friend and his dad who is a lieutanent at our house says its disrespectful?????? sum 1 help me there

salty tank

Originally Posted by happyhourh
I really really want to be the king from the burger king commercials and carry around a burger.

i thought about that too but i dont know if you can get that mask


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty tank
i thought about that too but i dont know if you can get that mask
my friend actually said that they were selling several the robes and masks on that famous auction site. pretty expensive though