Halo 2 masters - only!


Active Member
I need some help on Halo 2. When I bought this game I didnt play it very much aside from beating the game once and then quitting... very recently I purchased a xbox link cable so we could play halo on two different tv's (so little kids cant see my screen). Anyways.. these little brats have apparently been staying up late at night playing this game practicing and they know the levels pretty well.. and im usually stuck learning things while they are blasting me into oblivion...
My question is for the halo 2 masters... you guys got any tips/tricks? I'll start by saying im a Halo 1 elite master.. nobody beats me at halo 1.. but halo 2 pisses me off cause some of the weapons are retardedly cheap (for example the sword). Any advice would be appreciated... I figure the only real thing I can do... is to learn the maps too