Hammar Coral: Current and placement??


New Member
Can you please also give me advice on my hammar coral. I currently have it high in my tank with a medium current. It is not growing at all in that location? I currently have 192 watt power compact.


New Member
I have had it for about 2 months now. Yes I feed it each week with either shrimp or brine shrimp. It currently has a medium current on it.

reef fool

Active Member
Mine is on top w/ good curent. It is doing great. Opens up w/ tentacles extending. I have 440 watts VHO(220 actinic - 220 10,000 k daylight) I fedd D.T.'s every other day and meaty food every 10 days.I did find that they are very sensitive to water quality. When either my nitrates or phosphates were high, it did not open as full. Kind of a water quality barometer.