Hammer coral algea prob added pic


Yesterday had to take out all but one LR to get rid of the coral eating coral beauty. I had knnocked the hammer over on it top. There is a small section that didn't come out this morning and it seems to be getting worse. Also my anamone shrimp seems to like him. Any possible problemsthat it could be? It's in my 55 gal, tested water today and everything was fine. I also did a 10% water change today to see if that would make a difference but it just seems to be getting worse. I'll be adding pic in a few minutes.


Microalgae will kill your coral and/or fishes. Seems you got the fish out of the equation. Look out for microalgae. If that's not a probem, hammer coral will regrow with suff. calcium. Microalgae is the #1 coral killer in my experience.


Here's the pic hope it works its kind of long but it take you right to the pic.
<a href="http://community.webshots.com/photo/30104637/30857782wZKPyaekry" target="_blank">http://community.webshots.com/photo/30104637/30857782wZKPyaekry</a>


Pic didn't work, try this !<a href="http://community.webshots.com/photo/30104637/30857782wZKPyaekry" target="_blank">Hammer bad?????</a>

nm reef

Active Member
several months ago the hammer in my system started showing signs of RTN...tissue was receding and it was apparently getting worse...believe it or not I followed the suggestions of experiencied reefkeepers and amputated the damaged/sick section.....to make a long story short I used a new hack saw blade and removed approximately one third of the origional skeleton...then covered the exposed section of the healthy part with epoxy...gave it an iodine dip and replaced it in the reef...to this day it is better than ever...smaller but growing....now I would not suggest that you perform surgury just yet.....but research the option and use as a last resort if it continues to go down hill :cool:


Active Member
hey Nm...How do you do an Iodine dip... I have some iodine that I use in my tank for top offs but i have never "dipped" a coral in it. is it pur iodine? How long do you dip it in the iodine for? Can i just try the dip and hope for the best or should I cut off what I can of the coral? I'd rather not cut the coral if i don't have to. Thank you.


Active Member
sorry, i ended abruptly there... i am refering to my hammer coral. It has slowly started to die... It has 2 sides left of it that are still ok. I want to save those. do i need to chop off the rest? How do i do that? Do i take it out of water for a few minutes while i do that? do i keep it in a zip lock bag of water when i do it, if i have to do it? Thanks again.


noticed algea growing on the skeleton. Will that stop him from coming out? And how do I get rid of it?


You can use a toothbrush on the skel;eton to try and remove some of the algae. It won't be a problem if the algae isn't on the newly laid calcaerous skeleton. DON'T scrub the corals flesh tho! And use a new toothbrush, or one that hasn't any soap, toothpaste etcetera to remove the algae.
I'd recommend kalkwasser or another calciulm addititive to deter algae in your tank.
Good luck wioth your corals.

nm reef

Active Member
EBeckels.....e-mail me.....sounds like rtn and you probably should tend to it quick...I'm no expert...but I'd be glad to offer all info on what I had to do to save mine.......address is below....I've got to run for a few and I'll be back later........the things I did saved mine from death...and its now in great shape.....*_^


i had a hammer do that and it didnt take very long (1 week) before it was past the point of saving so what ever good advice you get dont waste any time