Hammer coral going down!!

I bought hammer corals at the last swap meet. The frag was thriving for a couple of days and then did a quick kill off of it's polyps. I didn't test the water and I found my nitrates and phosphates too high for corals. I fixed that through water changes. I now have Kenya tree, xens and some stars doing really good, but the hammer looks dead as there are no polyps. I do see new branches have formed over the past couple of weeks. I add calcium and strontium twice a week. I was thinking of moving it closer to the light to see if that would help. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
What type of light do you have? What are your water parameters? What is your flow rate? How mature is your tank?
Don't just say what you think your water parameters are either, actually go and test them.
Just tested last night.
it's a 50g tank that has been established for 2 years.
I got a compact light.
salinity is 1.030
Nitrates 0ppm
Phosphates 2ppm
temp is 76 degrees
got medium flow in the area
Though I add calcium and strongtium, I don't add iodine. And since I am seeing the phosphates up a bit, I was going to perform a water change over the weekend.


Active Member
Yep that SG is too high.. Slowly drop it down by adding RO freshwater to no more than 2.026.... Add a little a day for several days so as not to shock the system anymore than it already is........