Hammer Coral problems


Check out these pics and please tell me why all of a sudden my Hammer is starting to peel off its rock. There are no worms or anything else on it. Has medium flow and has been doing great for 6-7 months.


Active Member
That's not rock,it 's the coral's skeleton.Please list the following:What type of lighting do you have?What are your water parameters?Ph,nitrate,alkalinity,etc.??What type of water are you using?What is your SG.?And what,if anything are you using to dose for calcium....and what level is your calcium?


Active Member
Also does it have any jelly type stuff around the recession area? I had a very healthy hammer for about a year then all of a sudden it got some type of jelly infection & then the tissue started to receed. looked just like your pics. I did everything, all my water params were 100%. As a last resort I tried to sever the infected part from the rest. It work for a week or so then the infection re-appeared. My hammer enede up dieing. I have other LPS' in the tankstill doing fine today. Makes no sense. Good luck with yours though.


Thanks for replying guys as i love this coral and it is really bumming me out. Have (2) 400 watt MH. PH=8.1. Salinity=1.025, Temp=78, using RO water and am dosing with Kent Liquid Calcium. Will check Ca level tomorrow. And yes, it does have a light brown stringy type jelly floating around it as per the next 2 pics.
Please help:help:


i believe someone told me the Euphyilla corals can get a disease called brown jelly disease and there is nothing you can do about it.


i had a frogspawn that i caught very early with the brown jelly look, i did a iodine reef dip and it stopped it. the frogspawn now looks great


Man, this is bumming me out. I was just reading some other posts and saw where someone mentioned that bubble algae can cause this problem. I have some bubble algae and one burst about a week or so ago. I got an emerald crab but he hasnt touched any of it yet. Does anybody think my bursting bubble algae could have caused this?:help:


Active Member
I dont think the bubble algea could have done it. Thats a scrolling hammer, from what I have read and learned first hand is that the branching hammer has a nice success rate, not the scrolling.