Hammer Coral w/ "brown jelly"


New Member
Hi all,
I've got a bit of a problem with my 1 month old hammer coral....
The brown stuff and dying tissue was sucked away about 5 days ago and it hasn't returned yet, however ,it is still looking distessed and it's slowly pulling away from it's skeleton. All other corals are doing great.I've been reading alot about recent problems with Euphylia Sp. dying - has anyone out there successfully restored their health ? Water movement is moderate.
I was thinking it was my lighting but if he was doing great until now?
any experience or advice w/b most appreciated.cheers.


It has happened to me a couple of times. I can keep FrogSpawn, and branching hammers, but not the regular hammers. I do not know why. I would keep sucking out the necrotic area, and hope for the best.


Active Member
I would suggest using some antibiotic dip, it may or may not work, but its worth a try.
I had a brown jelly infection on some of my softies once after i moved my tank. I used seachems "reef dip" and it seemed to help with most of them. I only lost one cout of 6 corals that showed signs of the infection.HTH
Good luck! :)