Hammer sweeper

mr. limpid

Active Member
Very nice looking hammer, those sweepers can go out to 6" they will sting other coral, if you didn't know already. Do you feed it once a week? If so what do you feed, I feed mine cyclop-eeze and rods.


Yes I do feed it mostly Rods or sometimes a mix of phyto and arctic pods and rods. I try to mix it up. And ya I caught my Acan and Hammer in a battle,well mostly hammer I'm guessing as it was attached to the Acan with a sweeper so I separated the two.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SRT8 http:///t/395220/hammer-sweeper#post_3518396
Yes I do feed it mostly Rods or sometimes a mix of phyto and arctic pods and rods. I try to mix it up. And ya I caught my Acan and Hammer in a battle,well mostly hammer I'm guessing as it was attached to the Acan with a sweeper so I separated the two.
They can 'smell' other corals they might determine to be competition and will stretch out for battle. You can usually change the flow so the hammer is upstream to stop them from reaching out so far.


That is pretty amazing,hey just a quick question,I keep almost all LPS corals but do have some pretty large leather corals,as those came with the tank when I bought it,but I also have A very few SPS corals and have had them about 3 months and all was well until a few days ago when my birds best completely lost its zooanthelle within hours,all parameters are good,all I can figure is maybe the leathers putting off toxins,I'm assuming but not sure. Anyone else ever kept SPS and softies like leathers successfully? I really don't care for the leathers now that I'm getting more experience and they are quite large,I'm debating getting rid of them,any one else had large leathers cause problems? Tank is 75 gallons.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Leathers do give off toxins, its a good idea to run carbon on tanks that are mixed leathers and other corals.


Yes, This hobby can be so rewarding yet so frustrating at times,I know one thing,Im glad I'm considered a somewhat patient person.