Hammer with Compact FL lights?


Active Member
How would a hammer do in my Nano 15 Gal with 2x65w Compact Flourresant light.
Its a Coralife with Lunar setup.


It'll do fine. Buy a good specimen, preferably something that's been in an aquarium for more than a few days. Give it the right flow and the right chemistry, as these factors are just as important. My branching hammer is under 28 watts of PC light in 12 gallons with medium-low flow so that its tentacles will come out farther and not get blasted by current. Iodine is important for their soft tissue and calcium/alkalinity are important for them to form their hard skeleton. If you're using a good salt and doing routine water changes these will be at good levels anyway.


Active Member
Id say go for it like the person said before make sure you dont buy one with receding tisssue and watch your water levels and keep them pristine...