hand in the cookie jar


Active Member
Great pic and everything in my tank seems to be a thief!!! Especially the shrimp!

sinner's girl

feed the shrimp first, then maybe he won't steal?
cool pic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
bad shrimp stealing a meal from meat coral

What kind of coral is that? My peppermints always steal food from my sun polyp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
feed the shrimp first, then maybe he won't steal?
cool pic.
I gave my CB shrimp his share of Prime Reef the other day, he ducked down behind the rocks with his treat. When he was done with his own he went from one fuzzy shroom to the next picking their food out and eating it...naughty boy!!

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
What kind of coral is that? My peppermints always steal food from my sun polyp.

I know you wasn't asking me but I think it's a sort of Cynarina. My shrimp are all thieves. You can distract them with some food but when they are done, they take off looking for the next score. Even last night, I was feeding my dendro and up popped the fire shrimp who never comes out.