handfeeding sharks??



Anybody ever handfed cat or bamboo sharks? My eppaulette just ate from my hand for the first time but I'm not sure this is the best idea. Anybody ever tried?


Originally Posted by jcrim
Anybody ever handfed cat or bamboo sharks? My eppaulette just ate from my hand for the first time but I'm not sure this is the best idea. Anybody ever tried?

Yeah, I've done this before... kind of neat, but I usually just drop their food in our use feeding tongs.
So, are you planning to add any more sharks, or is this guy going to be the only one?


He's moving into a 240 gallon in a couple months. Haven't really thought about what I could do at that point. Probably wouldn't add another shark but don't really know yet.


Active Member
Yup, pretty much the only way I've fed them but they were in shallow systems. They have a strong bite, but not much in the way of sharp teeth. They suck stuff up and "crush" it so there isn't a lot of danger involved with it. Some of the most painful encounters I've had with them are actually when they are babies and I was feeding things like squid tentacles. They would sometimes get to excited by the "smell" of my fingers and just nibble - but sometimes get a bit of skin :D