hands are friends not FOOD!!!


Active Member
I use a piece of rigid airline tubing (you can get it at the LFS), with the end cut to a point...that's my feeding stick.


Active Member
There's a video on the internet of a guy that was filming an eel in the ocean, and having it eat out of his hand. The next second, it took off his thumb. It also showed pictures of how doctors cut off his toe, and attached it to his hand to replace his thumb. It's an interesting video, lol.


Active Member
if you get bit by an eel, it's not too venemous i believe. the problem is that their teeth carry tons of bacteria that cause bad flesh rot where they bit you. not land rot, sea stuff. unless they were generations captive eels.
that's what my dive shop says at least. i'd put antibiotic lotion on it or see a doc if it's a big one. watch for infection/yellow scabs. it's not like a normal infection.
my fiance's father is a hospital doc.
; don't like it, but i listen to what he has to say.
my eel tries to bite me all the time, but they operate off of smell, so i just swipe my hand to the side and knock it off. they aren't too swift at aquarium sizes.
it almost makes me want to go back to fresh where an oscar would take your thumb in it's mouth and you lift it like a prize catch. i had an arrowanna take my fist and jump. that was a first for me. my biggest and calmest fish freaked and definitely freaked me out.