Hang on refugium question

I just scored a new 75gal. tank and it came with everything the guy had. Stand, filters, etc...
The tank was setup as a freshwater bass tank that over time I'll convert to saltwater. It's been in his storage for 2 years so I had to do obvious cleaning.
Now the filters were used for the freshwater, they are large and clear as well. Would I run into any issues if I turned one into a DIY hang-on refugium? I'm not looking to do the bio-balls, just basic macro.
The reason I'd like one of these is because they are a good size and being all clear the macro will get the light better than the black DIY ref I have now.
Shouldn't be too small for a 36gal.
The guy kept the boxes so it's an Aquaclear power filter rated for tanks 60-110gal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tomato Clown
Shouldn't be too small for a 36gal.
The guy kept the boxes so it's an Aquaclear power filter rated for tanks 60-110gal.
I never trust the ratings on filters and protein skimmers and etc. They can be misleading and often incorrect. I usually look at the gph and base my equipment off of that.