Hang-On Refugium


What have you alls experiences been with Hang-On refugiums?
Do you all think this would be an economical efficient substitute for a guy who can't afford an overflow box, fuge, and return pump?
What do you put in the Hang-On refugiums?


Well my tank size is 38 gallon (36x12x20)
What size fuge should I get, and is it worth it... My main concern is a growing place for pods..


the cpr aquafuge refugium RF12(12x4x12) will be large enough for growing pods but,the larger aquafuge RF18(18x4x12) will have enough room for growing pods and will remove ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate instantly when loaded with plants.The RF12 may not be as sufficent at removing ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :)


There's a guy on ---- that sells kits for these things. I have a 12" on my 10 that I use as a hang on sump. If you're a DIY'er then you could save some $ by going with the kit. For a 38 I would go with the larger one.


Active Member
My thoughts ...
If you're going to have something hanging on the back of the tank .. make it an external overflow.
Even if you use a moderately priced return pump, like a smaller Magdrive .... with an inexpenisve DIY sump/fuge or rubbermaid container and standard lighting .... I think you gain more by going this route.
Hang on refugiums work okay I suppose, never really used one.
But if you're fairly handy and have a decent home improvement store nearby ..... a DIY sump/refugium with external overflow allows one more options, pod growing/macro algae growing space, added tankwater volume, added tankwater circulation ... plus gives you an unseen area to place your heater.
I'm not against hang on refugiums ...... but I am in favor of getting all this equipment out of sight under the tank .. if possible.
Return pump
Rubbermaid/Sterilite containers
PVC pipes, hoses & fittings
Inexpensive fuge lighting
One can make a very functional sump/refugium for not all that much money.


Alright thanks for the input.. I am thinking I will go for the big hang on fuge right now because if I increase my tank size.. I can still use it but if I make a sump/fuge now.. I will probably have to make another larger sump/fuge with the bigger tank.
And also.. How does the water flow work in a hang on fuge?


New Member
from what i have read..you place a small pump or powerhead inside tank, that puts wter into the HOT fuge, it then just overflows back into main tank.


i have a cpr 18 inch i used it on my 45gal untill i took it down it grew macro algae and lots of pods i dont know if it is big enough for any thing else.i now use it on 20gal with same results i use a small pc light i dont remember what the watts are it cost a lot for what it is ,it comes with a small ph pump to move water from the disp. to the refugium i removed the in side over flow tubeing to prevent overflowing disp when pump is off i hope this helps good luck


I have the cpr hang-on fuge on a 38 gallon. I really like it. Although you can find an overflow box, small mag drive, and rubber maid tub for the same price if you look around. Its up to you.
A bit of warning though. The return siphon could overflow your aquarium a bit in the event of a power outage. Pick up a battery back up for it or watch your normal operating water level.


Is that warning for the hang-on refugiums? A battery back-up for the powerhead running the refugium you mean?



Originally posted by tarhull87
Is that warning for the hang-on refugiums? A battery back-up for the powerhead running the refugium you mean?

Yes, It doesn't over flow mine. But it comes quite close! With your tank having so much surface area, it probally won't overflow. But check it out when you first add it.