Hannibal Lecter in my tank!!


New Member
Ok....I just bought a cleaner shrimp for my tank....I have great water quality and about 5 other fish....so I drop this little

in there and an hour later I see one of my crabs enjoying a $25 piece of sushi.....is this normal? Will crabs instictively eat shrimp upon their arrival for reason other than malnourishment....because I feed those guys three times a day at least!


Active Member
It could have been a molt. Often the stress of moving into different parameters causes the shrimp to molt right away.After molting the shrimp will hide in the rockwork until his exoskeleton hardens.Usually a couple days.


Active Member
As said, could have been a molt. Or, didnt mention any acclimation of the shrimp but Im guessing you did if you allready have crabs. I hate crabs. sorry about the shrimp.