

New Member
I have a 55 with an established tang and cb who harass every fish i introduce. pestered a flame so much it died in 2 days! tried the usual rearranging the tank and introducing other new fish at the same time. lost a checkered fly a few months earlier in a similar way. i'm determined to try again!
recently bought a rusty and a couple dominos, BUT this time i inserted a full perforated divider in the tank to keep the tang/cb away from the new fish. the rusty and dominos seem to have acclimated and are eating well.
yesterday, i attempted to remove the divider, thinking that after a week the fish had settled in long enough. however, the tang and cb quickly began harassing the rusty. so i put the divider back in...for now.
any recommendations? i don't want to leave the divider in forever. do i let them spar a bit, as long as the rusty keeps eating?


Active Member
Is it possible to remove the CB for awhile and re-introduce him later?
Just a thought.