Are you sure? Raising fry is very time consuming and sometimes heartbreaking. It makes planning vacations problematic, hard to enjoy the beach when you are thinking about your fry!
But, it is very rewarding, too. Try to plan it so when you get fry, it is winter and you are indoors a lot anyway!
I am not sure we can say which fry is hardiest. There are some basic requirements for differing species, so if we consider those requirements, it might make your selection easier.
One thing to consider is the first food source: I've found that all the species I have tried do better if I feed copepods. But, most are not able to eat them as a first food. So, I have to start then on a different, smaller food to start with. Some species can eat baby brine shrimp, newly hatched ( see my new article!). Some species need even smaller first food, rotifers or ciliates.
So, I would recommend a copepod culture for all fry and either a brine shrimp hatchery set up or a rotifer culture set up. It is probably sixes to which is easiest.
What do you think? Want more info about nursery tanks and the like?