Hardiest Tang


Are naso's the hardiest fish in the tang family ? or are they just as likely to get ich as other tangs since they all produce little body slime? I was debating between a blond naso , purple tang or a powder blue.


Active Member
naso are not the hardiest, they also need huge tanks as adults. Id say the hardiest tang would be a kole tang.


Originally Posted by peter1215
Are naso's the hardiest fish in the tang family ? or are they just as likely to get ich as other tangs since they all produce little body slime? I was debating between a blond naso , purple tang or a powder blue.
I agree, Kole tangs are hardy, and they don't get real big


Kole and yellow get my vote. Out of your choices, the purple tang is really the only one I would consider 'hardy' and the powder blue is quite the opposite and can be extremely challenging.


vlamingis are very hardy but very large; 24in full grown i think, but most all zebrasomas are tough.


Active Member
As with all tangs, it all depends on tank size. As long as you have a large enough tank for a naso or any tang in their species yea they are hardy. Zebremosa tangs are also very hardy(yellow, scopas, sailfin, purple). Good luck, hope you have a large enough tank!


Active Member
i dont know how true this is but listen to this,.
the guy at my lfs told me he went to go take a tank down after a house fire. the tang was covered with a huge amount of algea and could se in nor our. well when he wnet to go take it down he saw somethinf swimming and little did you know it it was a yellow tang. he was eating the algea and was helping it grown through his waste..
belive it or not. ***)