Hardy Anemones


Active Member
I hear that the glass anenome aka. aiptaisia is pretty hardy.
It depends on your setup and lighting and how you mix your water bta are ok


New Member
When you say rock anemone, are you talking about the Actinia species? Like the waratah anemone or the flower anemone?


I've also been told that a bubble tip is pretty hardy. Granted I have a nano that came equipped with the lighting and whatnot for it but I've had no problems with my BTA.


Active Member
Of course hardy needs to be classified.. in the anemone world no species is considered hardy... their care starts at difficult and goes up from there. I am of course refering to the more desirable specimines. There are some species of glass anemones that make good inhabitants.
Tube anemones are a different story and if your not looking for a host for your fish they are a great alternative IMO. They are called cerianthids, but they look and act just like an anemone. Some differences that make keeping one eaiser are, they are not mobile, non photosynthetic, absolutly stunning colors, and their only requirements are spot feeding 2 to 3 times a week, good water chemistry and a decent sand bed depth. They are nocturnal however mine is seen quite frequently during the day. And contrary to popular belief they are not the fish eaters that people think they are. In fact their sting is the least toxic of all anemones. Aptasia has a more potent poision. Just an FYI.