Hardy community fish


New Member
I love tangs and surgeon fish so much but they are a little too sesitive to manage. Are there any pretty fish that are hardy and calm enough to put in a tank with clean up crew critters. I have a clown that is invinsible..Thats my boy...Any others tuff like that?


Royal Gramma is a nice addition and easy to keep. Some dottybacks are interesting and simple. I love the six-line wrasse, it's one of my favorites, and a great addition to any tank.

tru conch

Active Member
it really depends on the kind of tang, some are easier/hardier than others. i had a yellow tang that survived a tank crash while everything perished (this was in my younger days). but some other hardy fish are the clowns, but you said that you already have one. try the chromis, esp the green they are hardy and are a nice colorful fish. hth,

tru conch

Active Member
sorry didnt read your tank stats on the bottom there, but you might want to try the green chromis though. real peaceful, plus they can produce the schooling effect with 3+