You want to consider blennies, gobies, dottybacks, grammas, clownfish, other damsels, or maybe something different like a fairy wrasse or a dwarf lion.
There are plenty of blenny and goby species that are hardy, and you will be hard-pressed to find a tank raised species of clownfish that is not hardy either. The fairy wrasse species are hardy as well, I would just be a little worried with putting them with damsels. A dottyback or gramma would go well in your tank, just make sure to make it your last fish, as they can sometimes be a bit territorial. The dwarf lion would not be a bad idea if it just a fish tank, you would just need to make sure you kept up on the water quality.
Stay away from angels, butterflies, tangs, triggers, groupers, large puffers (some of the toby species may be suitable), and wrasses (other than the fairy).