Hardy Fish?


Trying to add a new tank mate but am having problems finding a hardy fish that will get along with my 3 stripes and gobies (now i know damsels are agressive but hear me out the 3 stripes i have are very calm at this stage)
so whats a good hardy fish? :notsure:


percula clown, more damselfish [which i do not recomend], and endless possibilities depending on the size of your tank.


Blenny's are very hardy---trust me---my bi-color blenny went through an awful thing when I added LR to my tank---all my perameters went SKY HIGH--he lived through a whole recycling and is doing great now. He has been able to withstand it all!!! Also they doing grow large--I think they max out at 3" or so. Also Triggers are very hardy--but your tank is to small to house one of them. Hope that helped. :)
I would also recommend trading in your damsels---you'll have more choices--b/c they become territorial and aggresive. Escpecially w/ a small tank.


IMO triggers are meaty eaters and should not be in a reef. blennys are good, maybe a firefish, but those tend to jump out of the tank, so be careful. some clownfish types are very hardy especialy the aquacultured ones. chromis fish are beautiful and hardy, and funny but they are damselfish family [very active, but also friendly, like to be in groups though]. if i think of anything else, ill make another post
oh yea, almost forgot, stay away from tangs and other large growing, free swimming fishes that need TONS of space to swim in.


Active Member
You want to consider blennies, gobies, dottybacks, grammas, clownfish, other damsels, or maybe something different like a fairy wrasse or a dwarf lion.
There are plenty of blenny and goby species that are hardy, and you will be hard-pressed to find a tank raised species of clownfish that is not hardy either. The fairy wrasse species are hardy as well, I would just be a little worried with putting them with damsels. A dottyback or gramma would go well in your tank, just make sure to make it your last fish, as they can sometimes be a bit territorial. The dwarf lion would not be a bad idea if it just a fish tank, you would just need to make sure you kept up on the water quality.
Stay away from angels, butterflies, tangs, triggers, groupers, large puffers (some of the toby species may be suitable), and wrasses (other than the fairy).


Ok so i was wondering about a yellow tang, but most people say stay away from them in a small tank (but knowing friends who have blue hippos in 30g and doing great) i dunno...i figured he would eat algae and be benificial no? As well as a clean up crew of crabs and starfish?

Also how to deal with rising temps in a tank (my room is naturally hot in the summer) raises the tank temp anywhere from 1-5 degree.....I have heater set at 75 and thermo is reading 80 right now anyway to keep it cooler , maybe a fan ? :help:


hippo in a 30g... It may look like there doing fine but the hippo is probably stressed out.