harlequin tusk feeding


New Member
i just got a new tusk fish yesterday, whats the best thing to feed them? my lfs told me shrimp form the supermarket or squid. what works best? also what would be some good tank mates for this guy?


Squid, shrimp(I prefer shrimp, its easier!) krill, clam, any white fish chunks, etc...
They will eat just about anything. In nature, they eat crustations so try to toss in some ghost shrimp every once in a while. This will keep the hunting instinct alive!
Tank mates: anything that cannot fit in its mouth. Dont get another similar bodied, similar sized wrasse. eg. broomtail wrasse. They will fight to the death right away.
Good choice, good luck!


I've kept tusks for a long time. Great fish. If it's a juvi, they'll take anything that they can keep in their mouth. Adults, big peices work fine. Juvi's tend to grab and run. The juvis can also be easily picked on, but usually holds it's own.


I feed fresh shrimp for grocery store, Mysis, squid, and Brine. He just started eating this new crap I got for my Tangs. It's in a pouch. Green seaweed and purple seaweed. He likes that, too