Harlequin tusk fish


I am getting a bigger tank for my reef and was wondering if I could put a harlequin tusk in my 55? If so what else could I put in it? My lfs has a beautiful one and I would love to get it but don't know a lot about them. It would be a f/o tank.


I have one, they are very active swimmers. If you have a juvenile, it could go in there for awhile, but you should put them it in a bigger tank. Just my .02


I have one, and would not put him in a 55. He is actually in a 125 right now, waiting for my 150 to finish cycling. He is the Australian type. If I were you, I would make sure if you get one it is from Australia. These are way more colorful, and hardy. Mine is about 10"


I have one in my 55 but he was a juvenile when I got him. He still is rather small about 3" really cool fish. I had an adult 10 years ago that was very agressive. He bit my juvenile majestic in half w/ one bite when the angel took a piece of shrimp from his mouth. I got rid of him that same day. When I got the juvenille tusk he was in a tank at the lfs with other wrasses. The tank was marked assorted "wrasses $29.99" I just couldn't pass up the deal. It was money well spent!!



Originally posted by blueface
"wrasses $29.99" I just couldn't pass up the deal. It was money well spent!!

damn, where was that at?:D



Originally posted by blueface
It was at aquatic discoveries @ 15 mile & Ryan.

Not that my tank could house it but that is a deal. They must have gotten wise because they have a few Harlequin's in now and they range from $89(about 2 inches) to $139(5"). Great store though. I have bought most of my stuff through them.



Originally posted by jja
Tyr-Sog-I saw you live in royal oak-where do you go for your fish?

Hey jja,
Mostly Aquatic Discovers but I do venture off to Ocean and Seas(11mile and Gratiot) and Kee's Aquarium(23mile and VanDyke).
I do like Aquatic Dis. the best. Seems to be clean and their fish and corals always seem to be the healthiest. Ocean and Seas seems to have the better Live Rock though.


I think it's at middlebelt & 5 mile. It sits in the very back left corner of a strip mall. Lonestar restaurant is in the same mall.


I have bought everything at aqua-nest at opdyke and I believe south boulevard? Just south of m-59 and 75 in bloomfield hills. Not much for live rock but I have never had any fish or coral die from there and have always gotten excellent feedback. Very nice selection of fish and corals. The best store in my area. Also, unfortunately you just missed it, but once a year they have a sale that is 40% off all fish and corals-people lineup before it even opens.


Yeah, forgot to mention Aqua-Nest to. I shopped there on occassions. Nice setup. I think this week I might go check out that middlebelt & 5 mile store. The only other nice store maybe I can think of is a store in Bay City. I remember somebody telling me about it a long(years ago) time ago so I may be wrong. Might look into it though.