Harlequin Tusk - Indo Pac vs Aust.


Active Member
I am considering a Tusk. Has anyone kept one? I have read that the Aussies are more vibrantley colored, but have yet to see one in my local shops.
From the exp here is it worth it to wait or mail order an Aussie? I mean how much difference are we talking?
Any feedback is appreciated.


I would wait if possible, they're not only more vibrant, but reported to be hardier than the Indo's.


Active Member
I'd def get the aussi over the indo...I've had 2 indi tusks and have decided its well worth the extra 20 bucks.....colors are so much more pronounced.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
I am considering a Tusk. Has anyone kept one? I have read that the Aussies are more vibrantley colored, but have yet to see one in my local shops.
From the exp here is it worth it to wait or mail order an Aussie? I mean how much difference are we talking?
Any feedback is appreciated.
We have had a 3" tusk...GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!! i know a guy that has one...UGLY!!! idk what part it came from but i know it was extremely vibrant white, orange bright blue teeth/mouth he was beautiful i recommend highly~~


go with the Aussy
and jsut rember when your first tryin to get him to eat you got to use an aussie acsent, or he just wont understand you


Active Member
So are ALL Indo-Pac Tusks doomed or have there been any successful kept ones?
Is it a 50/50 shot at the survival rates for indo's? or more like a 1% chance of success.
I found a nice one for 89.99 (about 4") and I can pick it up for $71.99.
But if it's a 100% chance then whats the point? The shop tells me they use a dealer that guarantees no cyanide fish. Are they BSing me?
Any help. :help: