Harlequin Tusk Question


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone has any first hand experience with Harlequin Tusk fish I am considering adding one to my 220 aggressive tank, but have heard mixed reviews as far as hardiness and disease resistance.
Thanks in advance


That is one of my favorites. I bought four over the past 5 years. All four had ick within 3 weeks of introduction to the tank. There was only one that I was able to treat successfully with copper and then was fine. The other 3 didn't come close to making it. The one that did lived for 9 months in the 100 gallon tank and then passed on by unknown causes. I live in southern CA and I would like to have one but have no luck with them. Is this the case else where?


Active Member
We had a harliquin tusk before and he was awesome. We had absolutely no problems whatsoever acclimating him. He never got one spot of ich the whole entire time we had him. Although he tried to eat a small clown trigger, he was great other wise.


Active Member
yeah I have a Juvenile Harlequin in my 65 Gallon Aggressive .. the trick is to add him as one of the first fish .. I added him after my Dwarf Lion but before my pair of Snowflake Moray's .. he's great .. he's one of my favorite fish in the tank .. and he's also one of the most interesting .. he swims around constontly and makes my tank more active since all the eels and the lion do is sit around all day .. if you're looking for tank mate suggestions .. I also have a juvenile Blue Hippo Tang .. and a Diamond Goby


Active Member
thanks for the input, but due to recent bizarre disease issues in my tank, I think I am going to pass on the tusk, and I am considering smashing the tank with a baseball bat.