harlequin tusk, sohal tang, or clown trigger


O.k., I know that this is a weird combo but I know I want one of these as my next fish if I can. I'm leaning towards the tusk but I just wanted to make sure.So which one IYO is the best. I know that the clown trigg. and sohals can be aggressive but I'm considering taking a chance cause they are so cool.It will be going in a 250 hex. fowlr with
small naso tang
pinktail trigger
hawaiian trigger
blue hippo tang
red coris wrasse
Emp. angel


Active Member
In a 250 hex, I think that the Sohal would be the best fish. They are very aggressive, but you have some fish on that list that could definitely defend themselves.
My opinion is : 1) Sohal, 2) Tusk, 3) Clown Trigger


Active Member
Sohal!!!! Our ex LFS had a show size in one of his tanks and that fish had some serious personality. He was a real show off and not aggressive at all. He loved playing with the veggie clip. Every time I visited the store he'd pick up the clip and toss it around his tank.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
In a 250 hex, I think that the Sohal would be the best fish. They are very aggressive, but you have some fish on that list that could definitely defend themselves.
My opinion is : 1) Sohal, 2) Tusk, 3) Clown Trigger
I agree with campbell57


Active Member
3 of my favorites...I already have a Tusk, plan on the Sohal as my last fish in current tank, and really want to own a Clown T someday.
I agree with above....Sohal would be a great addition.


Active Member
IMO & IME, I think the (Australian variety) tusk is the greatest fish available to us and the easiest of these 3 to keep, but all of these fish are fantastic and you have the room...your $, your choice. Any of the 3 will be a real "oooh" & "aaah" fish. (I am very hesitant to keep a clown trigger with any fish I really value; they are beautiful, but can go nuts, even after several years---its happened to me. )


Active Member
Either the Sohal or Harlequin. 250 is a large tank, I would look for a smaller sohal if you decide on that one. I am also on the boat that I wouldn't keep a Clown Trigger with other fish I'd care about.