Harlequin Tusk?


They would quickly munch on small mobile crustaceans like shrimps and crabs with the exception of hermit crabs and snails (because of their protective shells). They pretty much leave cnidarians alone.


you should be fine my buddy has had one for about 10 years and its never touched the corals, shrimp and crabs is what you have to worry about, now he will pick up a hermit and throw it around, but it cant get to it b/c of the shell, but if a hermit falls and cant get up hes vonurable and will probablly get eaten


Active Member
They are jumpers...make sure your tank is covered...and don't forget to keep it covered when not working inside the tank...I forgot.........and mine committed suicide


Active Member
ohhh no!!! that soo sad!!! same happend to my 1st tusk.. ohh how the memory of him there on the carpet dry and dead!!!! NOOO