harlequin tusk


Active Member
i just have im harlequin tusk 4-5 " with a volitan 6-7" last week the volitan eats a lot of feeder fish and ghost shimp.. but my harlequin wont eat live fish nor shimp i try to feed it with shimp on a feeder stick it bit the shimp but i think he spits it out he still looks healthy but i'm worry this is my second harlequin please help...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
i just have im harlequin tusk 4-5 " with a volitan 6-7" last week the volitan eats a lot of feeder fish and ghost shimp.. but my harlequin wont eat live fish nor shimp i try to feed it with shimp on a feeder stick it bit the shimp but i think he spits it out he still looks healthy but i'm worry this is my second harlequin please help...
Try soaking the food in some garlic to stimulate the appetite. Should you lose this one I recommend purchasing one that hails from Australian waters. Tusks from the Phillipines or Indonesia are not as hardy and many are caught using cyanide...a death sentence. Spend the extra bucks on the Austrialian Tusk......Assumption.... the one you currently have plus the one previous may not be from Australia.


Active Member
hum.. that is friggin weird.. i have yet to see a tusk not eat.. or rather a wrasse not eat.. maybe he's not use to the tank yet.. try freezing some shrimp ip.. peel the shell off it then chop it up perdy good.. (it help if it's frozen when u chop it up) then drop some into the tank.. little at a time... only give him what he can eat in 4 min....


Active Member
im doing that, but my powder blue , spotted puffer , my niger trigger and esp. my porcupine eats everything before it gets to him..and i'm feeding them way too much already but they still eats everything i drop in there. i feed it ( harlequin) through feeding stick too but after he swallow it he frequently spit it out.. maybe once he's fully acclimated he'll turn around.. thank you


Active Member
hum.. another thing u may want to try is try hand feeding your fish.. hold some food between your pointer and thumb one or two inches under the water by the tusk... he might come up to eat it ... and if anything els tries to eat it.. u can shoo theem away..
(i can do this to all my fish...tusk,juvi emp,kunnare,powder brown,clow trigger,nigar trigger, even the damsal..)


Active Member
owch!!!........ o seen my dad pass those... (he did it on his own.. he woke up 1 morning to a side pain.. then he HURT for the rest of the day... he thought it was just a killer stomach ach or something... next morning 'very little or no sleep' go's to hospital.. 'i took him'.... next day he home.... it was crazy tho.. he couldnt do anything .. the pain he had for them 2 days that i seen was like.. wtf.... cant walk cant sleep... 'i carried the man to the car' litterally..
but thats just my dad... hope u get better mang..


Active Member
coool is'nt it??
wait till he bit's your fingers some.. and then u compare that to other fish's bit.. you'll be amazed how strong it is compared..