Harlequin Tusk


I am setting up a 75 gal tank, fish only
I want to put a harlequin with a couple damsels
After setting the tank up with live sand and rocks, then letting it run, how many months do I need to wait before adding the fish
Will the harlequin stay in the 75 if I buy it small and let it grow to and adult


Active Member
Im my opinion, a 75gal. is not big enough for the life of a Tusk...think 110gal.
Make sure you buy an Australian and not an Indo-Pacific, as they're notorious for being cyanide caught. You'll have it for a month or so, it'll appear to be doing great and then will just die for no reason.
The Australians are a little more expensive but they're have bright red stripes, as opposed to orange stripes of the Indo.
As for time frame, before adding fish...there really is no set time. Add rock, sand, etc. and then test your water levels until ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, etc. register 0 on your test kit. Then, you can safely add fish.


if anyone has a harlequin tusk can i see some pics. I would also like to know tank size and if it is a australian or indo pacific.