Harlequin Tuskfish compatebility


I have a 90g which i am cycling now. Does anyone now if this fish can go along with a queen angel, a picasso?


Dont know if it will be ok with what you want but I have an Austrailian Harlequin Tusk in with a Niger and Huma Huma trigger, Lunare Wrasse, Pixie Hawk, and Cow fish.
The tusk is very passive (at least mine is) Every once in a while he will chase the Huma Huma around for fun. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Tusks are very passive by nature, and are often picked on by tankmates. The picasso and tusk would be fine in the 90, a queen would need larger. That group could work out. Add the tusk (largest), queen, and then the humu (smallest.) Make sure there is plenty of liverock to establish territory. Bo