Ok so i got my harlequin three days ago
hes beautiful, hes cool look, he swims around all day great!!!!
But when it comes to feeding im lost
i try krill he grabs it then spits it grabs its spits it and keeps doin it
i try clams same thing
silversides grab and spits
the only thing he will eat is is mices
I cant keep him on that because it will mess up the tank hes gonna miss acouple
and my lion, and sfe arnt gonna even waist their time on mices
what do i do :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:
or do i just have a mentally challenged harlequin ?????????
hes beautiful, hes cool look, he swims around all day great!!!!
But when it comes to feeding im lost
i try krill he grabs it then spits it grabs its spits it and keeps doin it
i try clams same thing
silversides grab and spits
the only thing he will eat is is mices
I cant keep him on that because it will mess up the tank hes gonna miss acouple
and my lion, and sfe arnt gonna even waist their time on mices
what do i do :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:
or do i just have a mentally challenged harlequin ?????????