harlequin tuskfish


comments, suggestions, experiences? anyone actually have one of these? anyone deal with one or even seen one in real life??

crypt keeper

Active Member
Gorgeous fish. Decent sized. Never owned one but for whats it worth my lfs has a 6 inch one that ripped the top half of a SFE's head off. The eel died.


I've never owned one but if you get one make sure it is Australian and not from the Philipines. Australians cost a good bit more but are MUCH hardier.


Active Member
I have 2,in separate tanks. I also kept them for several years before moving. IME; they never bother other fish, except edible size, will eat almost any invert. Again, IMO, the Australian type is a far superior fish to the I.O. variety; better color, usually arrive in great shape (typical of Aussie fish), take a while to get comfortable, a very stocky fish (for a wrasse). They need a lot of room; great fish!


Active Member
I've got an Aussie. Great fish..good eater, active, aggressive to a small degree but normally nothing more than a short chase. Mine even lives with small Damsels and has never tried to eat any.
Here is a picture of mine from June 2007, I still have him and he is doing great.
What do you want to know?


Active Member
BTW, one of the biggest online dealers has some Aussies now; they're much more common in the summer. I was told the shipment they have are exceptional fish......not cheap! They are one of the priciest fish I've had; but a favorite. Their big, blue teeth scare little kids, one mine sticks its snout up and spits water at feeding time. They go bezerk for a fresh shucked clam, like many fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
I've got an Aussie. Great fish..good eater, active, aggressive to a small degree but normally nothing more than a short chase. Mine even lives with small Damsels and has never tried to eat any.
WHat do you want to know?
Glad to see your CC star is OK. There was a post a while ago where a guy was told by his lfs that HTs only ate starfish. He had it confused with a harlequin shrimp; great source for info!


Active Member
I have an Indo Tusk, but would agree with above...Spend the extra money and get the more brilliantly colored Aussie, and more likely caught properly.
Steve at what size do the blue teeth start to become pronounced?
Here is mine, had him since last May, he is very mellow and about 4 inch long...Loves to eat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
BTW, one of the biggest online dealers has some Aussies now; they're much more common in the summer. I was told the shipment they have are exceptional fish......not cheap! They are one of the priciest fish I've had; but a favorite. Their big, blue teeth scare little kids, one mine sticks its snout up and spits water at feeding time. They go bezerk for a fresh shucked clam, like many fish.
I have seen some of the fish that just came into one of my LFS's that are Aussie and they make mine look DULL! Awesome colors, best I have seen. But they are asking like $250 or so each. Just saw them yesterday and I went home and started wondering if mine was an Indo and I got ripped off.
Anyway, get the Aussie. Sounds like a fresh batch just hit the Market.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I have an Indo Tusk, but would agree with above...Spend the extra money and get the more brilliantly colored Aussie, and more likely caught properly.
Steve at what size do the blue teeth start to become pronounced?
Here is mine, had him since last May, he is very mellow and about 4 inch long...Loves to eat.

All 4 of mine have been about 4" when I got them; and were complete with blue choppers then. DD had <3" Aussie quite a while ago that I asked about (sold before I called) ; they said his blue teeth were really visible. I almost think Aussie's may have an advantage in the blue teeth area----I guess that's something they can brag about.
Kirk, your tusk looks great. I remember the cyanide scare when you got him; obviously he's doing well!


Active Member
I've had 3 Tusks, 1.5", 4.5", and 5.5". All Indo. My 5.5" had pretty blue teeth. The juvi had little blue. Agreed with above, great fish, lots of personality, generally a easy going fish. I would avoid a huge 7"+ adult though.



I've always liked the look of the HT, especially the big teeth it had. Although everyone that i have come in contact with at my lfs have all seemed very shy....i hate shy fish. Are all of them like that?


an HT and a broomtail wrasse in a big tank sure would be a lot of nice color...my lfs has a broomatail about a foor long and my GF keeps wanting me to get it just because its the biggest and most expensive..
sadly for her i only have a 55...haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
All 4 of mine have been about 4" when I got them; and were complete with blue choppers then. DD had <3" Aussie quite a while ago that I asked about (sold before I called) ; they said his blue teeth were really visible. I almost think Aussie's may have an advantage in the blue teeth area----I guess that's something they can brag about.
Kirk, your tusk looks great. I remember the cyanide scare when you got him; obviously he's doing well!
Grrr, except for a lack of blue teeth thus far.


Active Member
My tusk is a

. I'm fairly sure he took a chunk out of my foxface's tail. Now that I added a Humu he spends way too much time chasing him around, but at least seems too occupied to bother my less aggressive Fox or Angel.


Active Member
My tusk is a jacka$$. I'm fairly sure he took a chunk out of my foxface's tail. Now that I added a Humu he spends way too much time chasing him around, but at least now he seems too occupied with the Humu to bother my less aggressive Fox or Angel. He's real skittish so I'm not sure maybe his parents were alcoholics or something.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jabari
I've always liked the look of the HT, especially the big teeth it had. Although everyone that i have come in contact with at my lfs have all seemed very shy....i hate shy fish. Are all of them like that?
They are somewhat shy at first, especially for a large wrasse. The just won't always be up front, but aren't "hiders" by any means. IME, the do take a little while to become bolder and spend more of their time cruising the tank. I think their tankmates can make a difference too; HTs look like big, aggressive fish. But, IME, they like things on the quiet side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
I have seen some of the fish that just came into one of my LFS's that are Aussie and they make mine look DULL! Awesome colors, best I have seen. But they are asking like $250 or so each. Just saw them yesterday and I went home and started wondering if mine was an Indo and I got ripped off.
Anyway, get the Aussie. Sounds like a fresh batch just hit the Market.
Check the well-known 2 vets site; they have a great side-by-side photo of both HTs. BTW, our sponser sells IO tusks, but the photo is an Aussie.


yikes... sounds like it might not be such a great idea and holy moly on that price tag!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
yikes... sounds like it might not be such a great idea and holy moly on that price tag!!!
Yeah, not cheap. Most Australian fish are expensive; most of their HTs are individually caught on hook & line by divers. That site usually has them on sale in late spring, if you call about $90 a sale.