Harlequin Tuskfish??


New Member
does any on have a harlequin tusk because i was planning on getting one and wanted to know if they are nice fish to have in an aggressive tank with a moray? Are they a good fish to own??


Active Member
What type of moray is it? Harlequin Tusks (Austrailians especially) are pretty hardy and make nice additions to moderatley aggressive tanks. They do best with groupers, eels, and lionfishes. They can be kept with triggers, but many times the trigger will bully the tusk. Tusks will eat any meaty preperations normally fed to aggressive fishes. Bo


if its going in an aggressive tank, Id put it in first if it will be smaller, but later on if its larger... IME, the smaller the tusk, the more peaceful; the larger, the more aggressive...
Drew :)


I had a Harlequin Tusk in a 100 gallon aggressive tank. He is doing great. He does not pick on any of the other fish and he does not mess with new fish.