harry crab



Can anyone tell the name of this light brown harry crab in my reef tank and should I worry
about it and will it bother my corals and clams. THANKS. :rolleyes: :confused:


It's a bit larger than a Kennedy half dollar and it's whole body including it's legs and claws are full of light brown hair.
The tips of it's claws are black/white.Body is some what flat in shape. What is it you think ? Thanks

nm reef

Active Member
Sorry but I can't id this critter for you.....but I have a dime sized 1 in my reef that fits this description exactly.......I've had him in there for more than 3 months and keep a constant eye on him.....I'm fairly sure mine came in on a polyp that I bought and it still stays very close to this polyp......I see him picking at rock sort of like my emeralds....seems to eat algae...to date nothing to warrent removing it


Active Member
its a mantis shrimp!!!!! very evil crabs. no, seriously just keep an eye on him. if he starts picking at corals, get him out. usually most of the hitch-hiker crabs are pretty good for the tank, eating algea, food, etc. how long have you known hes been in here? bo


I have the same kind of crab in my tank. He is about the size of a nickel. I have been keeping an eye on him; although, I only see him once and awhile. He stays close to the live rock and only pokes his head out at feeding time.
I was also concerned if he was dangerous, but so far have not seen any evidence for me to believe that he is.
Amanda :)