
has anyone ordered any fish on line? if so then how was the turn out? where the fish healthy? am i taking a big risk? oh yeah when they say its large or med, does that really mean large. like what would be large in the ocean. or is it large like the pet stores. you know there large in the store is a little baby in the ocean. feel free to tell good and bad experiences. thanks in advance!


I haven't ordered fish yet but I have ordered inverts. Snails and crabs also live rock and sand. I'd say I have been happy with my purchases so far.
Second day shipping works for live rock and sand. I would make sure I was getting next day service on any fish or inverts.


Active Member
Everything I have ordered has done fine, except for a shrimp that arrived dead, but other than that everything seems healthy. Fish might be a little stressed out though from being packaged, put in a box and delivered somewhere. I haven't recieved my fish that I oredered yet, so I don't know how healthy the fish are. :p


Active Member
we've had good luck with MOed fish too, just make sure before you order, taht they have a guarentee(most do), and be real sure that someone will be available to recieve the fish and start acclimating immediately, they have already been in the bag for a day, and as for recieving, fed ex and ups will not deliver w/o a sig. and if no one is there the first time, forget about the guarentee, but otherwise we still do it


I've ordered several fish from another online carrier and for the most part things look good. I to was worried about taking such a risk but its not really that bad. I oderered and received an Emperor Angel, Regal Angel, Naso Tang, Yellow Tang, Orange Shoulder Tang, Hippo Tang, Bicolor Angel, Singapore Angel, Niger Trigger and a Midnight Angel. Everyone arrived living and healthy but I'm experiencing problems with the Hippo because he was attacked by two damsels and another tang when first introduced. I ordered everything small but I found most of the fish to be more medium/large in size except for the hippo tang which was the size of a quarter. The Naso is large when ordered small and so is the Niger but everything else was medium. As a whole I'm am thoroughly satisfied with the order and I would definitely recommend doing it because I will again.


I just bought my clean up crew from SWF.com and they arrived in great shape, albeit 11 days after I ordered.
But, I was pleasantly surprised on the health of the arrived species and the packaging was great. Every one of the inverts was alive when I unpacked them and are all doing quite well in my tank presently.


We, all us guys at school ordered from SWF.com. We ordered: a cleanup crew, Lion FIsh, Snowflake eel, chainlink eel, hippo tang, horseshoe crabs, and some lobsters and EVERYTHING was in GREAT SHAPE... we did have a few fatalities due to our stupidity but nothing relating to the shipment (1 eel managed to get out through a tiny hole while I was on vacation and pased away.
But I plan on ordering again, the quality was great!