has anyone ever been bitten by a shark


Active Member
just wanting to know how likely it is to get bitten by a bamboo shark how aggressive are they to people haveing hands in there tanks?


Active Member
yea i just wanted to know exactly how safe itd be to put my hands in a tank with one of these sharks lol i wouldnt want to do it if im gonna lose an arm


Active Member
Never been bit. sharks and rays and fish and eels are like dogs. socialized they can be very friendly. If you are always playing with them they get used to it and are ok but if you never handle them they will not understand whats going on and be frightened of you and may bit out of fright.


Active Member
thats deffinately good to know i bought what i thought was a 240 about a month ago and i soon found out it was a 220 which is ok i guess and its still finishing its cycle but i have it completely ready for a shark rocks light pumps skimmers sand everything i just need it to finish its cycle and ill be gettin a shark egg i cant wait its been hard but i decided im gonna do it right this time so im waiting but yea its good to know that sharks have to be worked with i wouldnt have thought it woulda done much good lol


Active Member
My female bamboo grabbed me once by mistake. Didnt hurt- it was more of a pressure feeling than anything. She didnt draw blood like one of my leopards did.


Active Member
hmmm well thats good to know lol anyone really gotten bitten badly by any aquarium sharks at all?