Has anyone ever used Greenex for Ich

As reported, I had a minor Ich outbreak with my PB tang. My LFS, who I respect, suggested I use a product called Greenex from a company called Aquatronics. It proclaims to be an invert safe ich treatment. My tank is FO, but I do have lots of crabs. Anyway, the good news is that after 1 treatment, the Ich seems to be gone. I will of course finish the 5 day treatment. Unfortunately, the one dose also wiped out all of my crabs. Has anyone else had similar results? After treatment, will I be able to reintroduce inverts again? Greenex is Malachite green and Quinine hydrochloride.
OK, I get the message. I'll ditch the rest of the greenex. Anyway, what do I do now. Should I do a big water change? When can I reintroduce inverts? Any advise will be appreciated.
I've tried Greenex several times without success. In fact the last time I lost several condies. The only sure thing that has worked for me is copper and hypo. Although I tried kick-ich and it worked 1 out of 3 times. The one time it worked was in my FO tank and I'm still not convinced it's totally gone. It's been 6 weeks since the last treatment and over a month since I last saw any signs of ich but I'm still a bit nervous.


Active Member
Hi guys,
Yes from what i have heard from other people, Kick-Ich and Greenex seem to be a waste of money.
Only 100% way of doing it is Hypo and copper, and hypo is kinder on fish than copper (apparently although jury is still out on that one).
Hope this helps,


Active Member
I don't understand about everyone saying that Kick-Ich not working as it worked for me. I have been using it for three weeks. The spots went away in the first week, and I am going to treat the tank for a total of 4 weeks because of the three week plus life cycle of these little pests. The medicine only treats the swimmer stages, not the cysts that can linger in the rocks for a couple of weeks......so you need to continue to treat for several weeks after you think that they are gone from your fish so that it does not come back. This medicine did not hurt my fish, crabs, shrimp, snails or biofiltration bacteria. It says that it will not hurt invertabrates. Lesley


Active Member
Hi Lesley,
Well its not that they are saying it doesnt work, rather 9/10 it doesnt work. If it didnt work at all, granted, they wouldnt sell it! But its not the best of more efficient way by all accounts.


Active Member
Maybe a lot of people don't use it often enough or long enough. I wonder if the people that it failed on did not remove their carbon type filter media and turn their skimmers of during treatment. I forgot to mention that I also dosed the tank with something called probiotic marine formula. It is bacteria that are suppose to help prevent a lot of marine diseases including ich. Maybe all this other stuff and the long dosing time and the probiotic are what contributed to the success? Lesley