has anyone experienced problems with their crabs being aggessive?


I have 2 emeralds and a sally lightfoot..my sally has grown like twice the size in 5 weeks...amazing. My 6 line goes by him very fast and teases him and he reaches out to try and "tag" him...hmmmmm ..should I be worried? wondering about my emeralds also...as they grow..should I be concerned?


my sally lightfoot did that at first then it stopped. he leaves basically everything alone now. he went after my peppermint shrimp but the shrimp is gone now. they fought over food


I noticed when my cleaner shrimp was near him today he kind of tossed one of his legs out towards him and the cleaner jumped out of the way a little bit but not much....did not do anything else. LOVE my silly cleaner shrimp, worried about our crabs..between the 2 emeralds and the sally we might try and get them out but have not a clue how to catch them, I just bought a bicolor blenny, I am worried about him..he is not here yet, bringing him home this week.
my 6 line wrasse is so fast, not as worried...