Has anyone herd of this live rock


:help: Manado Premium live rock
Is it a good quality ???
it's 9.99pr pd
LFS guy said it was hig quality but i want some opnions
he also said tht fiji was a low grade rock ???


Active Member
live rock cant relay be rated on where it is from, you should look at what it has on it. if it is white, or almost white, dont buy it. If there is a lot of black on it, dont buy it. If it is a nice corlor of green, purple, red, or anything like that, it is probalby a good choice. Look for large pieces that dont wiegh a lot, then you will be able to have more surface area because it would mean that the rock is more porus.
and wow, do you have a lot of questions. haha. Thats a good thing.


Iam not new to s/w just to nano keeping
i dont want to mess it up :eek:
i'll stop saking so many questions lol :D


no no .. when you stop asking you assume
this is not a good thing to do in the SW world.... ask away .. we will help as much as possible.. i suggested just one thread for YOUR tank instead of many threads for each thing you have a question about


dont buy it, thats to much money. look around. my lfs has it for 4.99, 5.99,6.99. its depends were u go. on

i got 40lbs figi for $150. u can find a nano box of about 16lbs if u dont need 40lbs lol


Active Member
online is deeeeeeeeeefinatly much much less expensive. But that is a hell of a lot of money. The only problem about ordering it online is from all the die off form shipping and such, you have tu do what is called curing it so your amonia doesnt skyrocket.